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From: Peggy Williams

As you know, the President's Council commissioned a study of work-life issues for staff and administration this past spring to address the Quality of Work Life (QWL) priority in the institutional plan.

Suzanne Forsyth Associates conducted this study. Approximately 200 employees participated in a variety of interviews, focus groups, and a daylong retreat for LeaderShip graduates. Feedback was also received over the Internet. I am very pleased with the widespread and diverse participation realized during this initiative and appreciate everyone's support of this important project.

The study findings show that most employees are very satisfied with their employment at IC. While this is good news, we also received valuable feedback on several key areas in which we will focus our efforts to improve the overall work life of IC employees. Specifically, the report from our consultants has identified the following areas for consideration:

  1. Development of a supervisory development program
  2. Redesign and reengineering of the hiring process
  3. Review and revision of the College's compensation system
  4. Undertaking of a workload analysis
  5. Refocus of HR department with a vision and operations plan that emphasizes customer service and employee advocacy and development
  6. Development of a diversity educational program for employees

The President's Council and I have accepted each of these recommendations. Each recommendation has been assigned to one or more members of the council for full analysis and/or the development of implementation strategy. While we will be able to address some of these areas now, some will take additional time and input as we make thoughtful changes for the benefit of staff and administrators.

In addition to this communiqué to all staff and administrators, we will be meeting with the representative bodies (Staff Council and Administrative Assembly) in the very near future to discuss the report. Again, I want to thank you for your time and input on this important initiative.

I invite you to reference the final report from our consultants at Reports and Initiatives. Please contact your respective vice president or my office with any questions.

Study on the Quality of Work Life at IC | 0 Comments |
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