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The Business School is proud to annouce that the National Office of Sigma Iota Epsilon awarded its coveted National Chapter-of-the-Year Award to the Zeta Iota Chapter at Ithaca College for 2004-2005.

The award plaque, accompanied by a $500 check to support chapter programming initiatives, will be presented to Chapter President Alyson Buck at the New Member Induction Program on Friday, October 28, 2005 at 4:00 pm in the Emerson Suites, Campus Center.

More than 60 chapters across the country were evaluated on five criteria:

• Membership Growth
• Academic Programs
• Professional Development Programs
• Members’ Honors & Awards
• Strategic and Program Planning

This is the fourth consecutive year, and the fifth time overall that the Ithaca College Chapter has won National Chapter-of-the-Year. No other chapter in SIE’s 78-year history has achieved such distinction. SIE National President, G. James Francis, said, “The Zeta Iota Chapter is the benchmark for others across the nation.”

Sigma Iota Epsilon is the National Honorary and Professional Management Fraternity and the Student Division of the National Academy of Management. Zeta Iota Chapter members represent several management-related disciplines from various schools throughout Ithaca College.

Congratulations SIE Members!

SIE Named Chapter of the Year for 4th consecutive year | 0 Comments |
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