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17 New eClassrooms

Contributed by Wendy Pearle on 09/02/05 

ITS is pleased to announce 17 new eClassrooms.

An eClassroom is designed to provide easy-to-use technology to enhance the classroom experience. The standard eClassroom consists of a projector, computer, dvd/vcr player and sound system as well as the ability to connect a laptop to the system.

For general information and documentation on using an eClassroom, please go to: The eClassroom Web site

To register online for a workshop on how to use an eClassroom, please go to: The ITS Workshop Web site

To reserve an eClassroom for use, contact Conference and Event Services at 4-3313 or fill out the appropriate online form:

If you need immediate assistance when using an eClassroom, contact Classroom Technology Support (CTS) at 4-1443. We hope all instructors enjoy integrating technology into the classroom by taking advantage of the new eClassrooms.

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