Attention Student Organization Leaders. Don't miss the opportunity to be a part of this year's INVOVLEMENT FAIR.
September 21, 2005
Academic Quad
(Emerson Suites - rain location)
The new 2005-06 academic year is here. This is a time when students, especially the First Year Students, are looking for ways to get connected to Ithaca College. A perfect opportunity for them is through registered student organizations, as well as, meeting professional staff from across the campus. Therefore, SAB would love for you to be a part of this year’s INVOLVEMENT FAIR!
The Involvement Fair is a collaboration between the Center for Student Leadership & Involvement and the Student Activities Board. This year the Fair is taking place on Wednesday, September 21st from 10am – 2pm on the academic quad just outside of the west entrance to the Campus Center (rain location is the Emerson Suites).
The name speaks for itself; this fair’s purpose is to engage our campus’ greatest resource, each other. In order to make this endeavor a success we need a commitment from you. As an already active participant in our campus community, I hope you will take the time to be represented at the Involvement Fair, and be an active part in opening the world of Ithaca College to one another. Please RSVP and reserve your table by picking up and completing an application in the Student Acitivities Center.
Please note that we need to receive your registration back by Friday, September 9th.
We look forward to seeing you on September 21st. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Mark Pinciotti, Executive Director of Student Activities Board at