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Please join us for an intimate panel presentation and discussion about the ways in which others have been touched by loss and how they have found hope to face each day.

The recent untimely loss of several members of our campus community has variously affected many of us. There are other losses, too, which profoundly affect us. Whether those losses are personal, national or international, they will continue to challenge us daily. The experience of loss is universal; however, the response to loss is highly individual.

Come and listen to a panel of Ithaca College community members talk about how they have been touched by loss and how the have found hope to face each day.

An opportunity for audience participation will exist; light refreshments will be served.

Join us at 7:00 p.m., Monday, September 12, 2005 in Emerson B.

Experiencing Loss, Finding Hope - Stories of grief and healing | 0 Comments |
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