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Colloquium Series Begins

Contributed by Susanne Morgan on 09/09/05 

A conversation with colleagues about contemplative practices in the classroom and a scholarly colloquium on combat entertainment begin the Colloquium Series for fall 2005. Also included are a lecture on Hurricane Katrina by an ecologist and an environmental historian, and a "sustainability cafe," where we'll discuss the ecological footprint we leave as individuals, as a campus, as a community, and as a nation.

All colloquia are on Tuesdays or Thursdays from 12:10 p.m. to 1:00 p.m., and most take place in the Campus Center. They are open to all and light refreshments are provided (though you might want to bring a lunch as well). You are welcome even if you need to arrive late or leave early, and the programs begin and end on time.

The full list of colloquia and their descriptions is available on the Center for Faculty Excellence site (see below).

Proposals for colloquia are welcome in any of the three categories of the series this year:
Scholarly colloquia
Conversations with colleagues
Sustainability cafe

Please contact Susanne Morgan with your ideas.

Relevant links:
Fall Colloquium Series
Center for Faculty Excellence
Susanne Morgan

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