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Fred A. Wilcox, Associate Professor in the Department of Writing has been nominated by the National Board of Directors of Vietnam Veterans of America, Inc. for the 2005 AVVA Hmanitarian Award of the Chapel of Four Chaplains.

Fred A. Wilcox, Associate Professor in the Department of Writing has been nominated by the National Board of Directors of Vietnam Veterans of America, Inc. for the 2005 AVVA Humanitarian Award of the Chapel of Four Chaplains. Wilcox will receive the award at a ceremony in Cape May, NJ on Sept. 18. At that time he will speak about his life-long work for peace.

The letter of nomination for this award cites Fred Wilcox for his book Waiting for an Army to Die: The Tragedy of Agent Orange, calling the book “a bright shining light on the tragic consequences of herbicide exposure suffered by US Troops.” The nomination goes on to cite the innumerable veterans gatherings he has addressed, the courses and articles he has written about the Vietnam War, and his life’s work of writing and teaching about war and nonviolence. It concludes, “He continues to teach, write, and speak about the necessity to build schools rather than bombs, to spend billions on health care rather than atomic submarines, and to create peace, rather than violence and war.”

Wilcox Receives Humanitarian Award | 1 Comments |
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Wilcox Receives Humanitarian Award Comment from bailey on 09/18/05
Congratulations, Fred, for your award! You deserve it for your fearless and articulate exposure of truths that conventional society ignores to its peril. Bravo and keep up the courageous work!
Lee Bailey