Fund-raising and support plans are underway by Ithaca College to support those affected by Hurricane Katrina. Communication vehicles have been established to help the College planning and response efforts.
A meeting was held on Thursday, September 8, to begin to consolidate Ithaca College fund-raising and support plans for Hurricane Katrina. Over 100 students, faculty, and staff were present at the meeting. Information about the results of that meeting will be posted to Intercom and the College's Katrina relief website as soon as possible.
Ithaca College Responds to Hurricane Katrina
A listserv has been established for those interested in participating in the conversation about College fund-raising plans and initiatives. To join, go to and search for the katrinarelief listserv.
A dedicated e-mail address has also been established as Please send ideas, suggestions, or questions to this address.
Thank you to all who have inquired or volunteered their ideas, time, or money already to the College’s efforts.