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The American Red Cross is very busy with our fellow neighbors in the storm ravaged areas; we need to help keep the blood supply up here as well as in the areas that have been hit. Pleas sign up to donate blood at our blood drive on Wednesday, October 5, from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. in Emerson Suites.

There is a need for blood each and every day of the year; in our region alone we have 130 hospitals. By giving blood now, you are making sure this precious gift is on-hand for the patients who need your help to survive. We all depend on this perishable resource. Blood is an emergency medicine and must always be readily available. By pledging to give blood and keeping that commitment, you will give the gift of life to someone in desperate need.

Did you know that

- Only 5 percent of the populations who can donate blood actually do.
- Your one donation can save up to three lives.
- 85 percent of the population will require blood transfusion at some point in their life!
- Red blood cells are only viable for 42 days.

You are eligible to donate if you meet the following criteria:

  • Are at least 17 years old
  • Weigh at least 110 pounds
  • Have not donated within the last 56 days
  • Have not traveled abroad since 1980 for more than 3 cumulative months in Great Britain or 6 months cumulative in Europe


To improve your donation experience, be sure to eat well the day of donation, drink plenty of fluids, and get a good night's sleep!

If you have an hour to spare and would like to be a local hero, please e-mail or look for the table in Campus Center to sign up to donate.

On behalf of all patients in the Southern Tier and across the U.S., thank you in advance for your goodwill and generosity.

Blood Drive Wednesday, October 5 | 0 Comments |
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