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The CNS Sustainability Group has received approval to begin an alternative landscaping project on the lawn between CNS and the O parking lot.

There will be four test areas to assess different native grasses or wildflowers that would allow the college to reduce the use of fossil fuels via reduced maintenance. With student involvement to develop the strategy for converting theese areas, we hope to have some new plants growing and bird houses installed next spring.

Those White Lines on the CNS North Lawn | 1 Comments |
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Those White Lines on the CNS North Lawn Comment from bschnur1 on 09/12/05
My name is Ben Schnurle and I recently joined the permaculture project. This project is a great way for people as well as other colleges and institutions to see that landscaping can be done in a sustainable manner using native species of tree's and plants. These new garden areas will also make great housing for native bird species, and can show us the effects that native plants have on undeveloped areas. IF you too are interested in this project, or other's like it feel free to e-mail me at