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After a long and distinguished career at the College as director of human resources, Marty Turnbull has announced she will retire from the College at the end of fall break.

Her plans coincide with her husband Bruce’s sabbatical leave at Cornell and they will spend much of the rest of the academic year traveling to Bruce’s native England and other locations. Marty will continue to assist with a couple of outstanding projects that will extend beyond mid-October for completion.

Jeff Brainard, Director of General Services since 1988 and an employee of the College’s food service for eight years prior to joining the College, and his wife Rose will be leaving the Ithaca area in early October to be closer to their sons, Brian and Scott and their families in sunny Florida.

A farewell reception for Jeff and Marty will be announced at a later date.

Marty Turnbull and Jeff Brainard announce plans to leave the College. | 0 Comments |
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