Congratulations to Dr. Janet K. Wigglesworth, Associate Dean for
Graduate and Clinical Services, School of Health Sciences and Human
Performance, who has been honored with the 2005 MARC Service
Award (Mid-Atlantic Regional Chapter) of the American College of Sports Medicine.
Sports Medicine.
Congratulations to Dr. Janet K. Wigglesworth, Associate Dean for
Graduate and Clinical Services, School of Health Sciences and Human
Performance, who has been honored with the 2005 MARC Service
Award (Mid-Atlantic Regional Chapter) of the American College of
Sports Medicine. According to the organization's publication,
Mid-Atlantic Regional Chapter News, this award was presented to
the individual who has provided exceptional and on-going service to
MARC and its constitutents, to further the mission of the organization
and enhance the experiences of MARC members.
Dr. Wigglesworth was elected to MARC's Executive Board in 1998 as
a Member-at-Large and elected and served again from 2000-2002 as
Secretary/Treasurer. Most recently, Dr. Wigglesworth has also offered
her technological expertise on an on-going basis, as well as for speaker
presentations at the annual meetings.