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In recognition of the declaration by President George W. Bush that Friday, September 16, be a national day of prayer and remembrance for the victims of Hurricane Katrina, Ithaca College will hold a community gathering at 3:00 p.m. at the “free speech rock” outside the Campus Center.

Lead by Brian McAree, vice president for student affairs and campus life, the observance will include prayer and music, with participation by the College chaplains, faculty, and students. The trombone troupe will perform “Remembrance and Reflection” by Paul Goldstaub ’69.

In proclaiming the date a national day of prayer and remembrance, President Bush is encouraging all Americans “to remember those who have suffered in the disaster by offering prayers and giving their hearts and homes for those who now, more than ever, need our compassion and our support.”

For more information on Ithaca College’s response to Hurricane Katrina, visit

Ithaca College to Observe Hurricane Katrina Day of Prayer and Remembrance | 0 Comments |
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