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Join us for the Career Services' Graduate and Professional School Fair on Tuesday, September 27. This year the Campus Center will be filled to capacity with representatives from 127 (that's right, 127!) graduate and professional programs who want to talk with you!

The fair is a great way to find out about specific programs, as well as to get general information about the graduate and professional school application process. The Graduate and Professional School Fair will be held between 5:00 and 7:00 p.m. in the Campus Center.

For those of you who are considering law school or medical professions join us for a law school panel (7:00-8:30 p.m. in the Clark Lounge) or the medical professions panel (7:00-8:30 p.m. in Klingenstein Lounge). Panelists will be on hand to answer questions concerning the application process for law school or medical school. These events will begin immediately following the Graduate and Professional School Fair, For a complete listing of who is scheduled to be at the 2005 Graduate School Fair, please visit

Graduate and Professional School Fair, Tuesday September 27, 5-7 PM | 0 Comments |
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