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The InterFaith Council, which is a committee of the Division of Student Affairs and Campus Life at Ithaca College, is seeking an undergraduate student intern for its InterFaith initiatives. This 10-hour per week paid internship will provide the student with opportunities to learn about InterFaith's work at Ithaca College as well as provide intensive student leadership training and opportunities. Supervision is provided by the InterFaith Council chair.


  • Enrollment as a full-time undergraduate Ithaca College student for a minimum of two semesters.
  • Demonstrated interest in InterFaith initiatives
  • Completed application package

    Position Description:

  • Maintain InterFaith Council Website
  • Attend InterFaith Council meetings and assist with programs as needed
  • Serve as chairperson for the InterFaith Student Organization
  • Maintain InterFaith and underrepresented Community bulletin boards in Muller Chapel.
  • Design and manufacture pre-packaged bulletin boards for distribution on campus
  • Meet weekly with supervisor

    Interested Applicants should e-mail Drew Hatton, InterFaith Council Chair, at for application materials. Applications are available now through October 28, 2005.

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