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Integrative Health Studies includes a minor and a very active student club, the Integrative Health Society. Knowledge of this rapidly growing sector of health care, which combines alternative and mainstream medicine, is essential in many careers and to expand personal health care options.

The Integrative Health Society club organizes field trips to integrative health facilities, hosts practitioners for hands-on demonstrations, and sponsors educational events related to alternative and complementary medicine. The minor is relevant for those entering the health professions and students interested in exploring the multitude of wellness options available today. The IHS minor includes courses offered by many departments across campus related to the study of complementary, alternative, and cross-cultural medicines and their histories, theories, economics, and effectiveness in promoting wellness and preventing disease.

Courses include: Wellness: Multicultural Perspectives, Critical Health Issues, Stress: Its Nature and Management, Feldenkrais, and Integrative Health Care in American Culture. For a full listing, see page 71 in the 2005/2006 Undergraduate Catalog.

For more information, contact Dr. Richard Schissel (Speech Pathology) or Dr. Brooke Olson (Anthropology), or attend the Integrative Health Society meetings, Mondays at 5:30 pm in Friends 202 (

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