October 7-8 brings us the annual Professionals Symposium. For nearly 20 years, the symposium has brought Office of Multicultural Affairs alumni and active community supporters to campus to share their expertise and insights with current students during multiple networking events.
Whatever a student's goals for graduate school or professional career, chances are good that an alumnus/a will be eager to inform and help, often in a continuing relationship. OMA cosponsors the Professionals Symposium with the College's offices of Alumni Relations and Career Services.
The symposium occurs during Homecoming Weekend, October 7-8, enhancing the opportunity for students to meet alumni and participate in special events. The highlight of the symposium weekend, the annual Academic Achievement Awards Dinner, showcases the accomplishments of our OMA students. This gala evening always draws hundreds of attendees to applaud the students' strong scholarship and to honor alumni and community supporters. Gregory DuQuella, MD ’92 will be the keynote speaker.
Ithaca College faculty and staff are welcome to be our guests at the awards banquet on Saturday night, October 8, from 6:00-9:00 p.m. Seating is limited. Please let the OMA office know of your intention to attend by calling 4-1692 as soon as possible.
Other events held during the weekend include:
Ask the Professionals (3:30-5:00pm)
Students will join Career Services staff and hear from a panel of distinguished alumni from various fields.
Meet & Greet Dinner (7pm-9pm)
with registration starting at 6:00 pm Alumni and students dine together at tables arranged by career areas of interest. All visiting alumni are encouraged to attend.
Alumni Breakfast (9:30am - 11:15 am)
Join in round table discussions with OMA staff and symposium planners. Alumni will be asked during the registration process for issues they’d like to discuss.
Alumni/Student All Campus Networking Brunch (11:00am – 12:30pm)
Opportunity to build bridges with other alumni and students.
Mentoring Training (12:00pm - 2:00 pm)
Mentors and mentees come together for their first joint training session.
Career Consulting Hours (1:00 pm - 4:00 pm)
Alums sign up for individual meetings and/or small group discussions with undergraduates. Alums may indicate availability at registration. Students may sign up through OMA prior to symposium weekend or Friday, October 7th at the meet and greet dinner.
Awards Dinner (6:00 pm – 9:00pm)
Annual dinner showcases the accomplishments of our OMA students.
Symposium Mixer (9:00 pm - until)
Back by popular demand! Big Fun! DJ and Karaoke coupled with quiet tables for conversation.