The holiday season is quickly approaching, and with it the fear of adding unwanted pounds. Want to get ahead of the game now? Join the College's "Weight Watchers At Work" program and learn how to plan for the festivities before the pounds creep up.
Weight Watchers is in its 5th year on campus, and literally hundreds of pounds have been shed collectively during that time. Open to all members of the College community, including students, Weight Watchers offers members good, sensible ideas for planning your meals and portion control. Meetings are fun and encouraging, and support from fellow members is priceless! Don't end up a size bigger in January -- start planning now to map your strategy.
The next Weight Watchers session will begin October 25th. The session is 16 weeks long, and meets from noon to 1:00 p.m. every Tuesday. Watch Intercom for the exact location of the meetings. The cost of $159 includes the meetings and all materials, and can be paid in 1 or 2 installments ($79.50 each). Come and join other members of the campus community who have been successfully participating in the program -- it will be the best gift you give yourself this season!
Questions? Contact Anne Woodard, campus coordinator, at or 274-3811. See you soon!