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Submitted for Martha A. Turnbull, Director of Human Resources

Ithaca College welcomes our new faculty and staff to the campus community.

- Muna Aghawani, Lecturer, Modern Languages & Literatures
- Lisa Beach, Lecturer, Exercise & Sport Sciences
- Mary Bekanich, Lecturer, Occupational Therapy
- Caetlin Benson-Allott, Lecturer, Cinema & Photography
- Jonathan Biggers, Lecturer, Music Performance
- Matthew Boone, Lecturer, Sociology
- Jonathan Bowen, Lecturer, Music Education
- Jane Bryant, Lecturer, Health Promotion & Physical Education
- Melanie Bush, Lecturer, Journalism
- Sean Campbell, Systems Administrator, Web Systems & Departmental Services
- Paul Cody, Assistant Professor, Adjunct, Writing
- Michael Costello, Lecturer, Physical Therapy
- Julie Dente, Lecturer, Occupational Therapy
- Sandra Dutkowsky, Lecturer, Writing
- Cem Emrence, Lecturer, Sociology
- Douglas Feaver, Park Distinguished Chair, Journalism
- Fernando Flaminio, Assistant Coach, Intercollegiate Athletics
- Linda Hanrahan, Associate Professor & Chair Graduate Program
- James Henery, Lecturer, Television & Radio
- Susan Hirata, Lecturer, Psychology
- Edward Hower, Instructor, Adjunct, Writing
- Vicki Hyde, Registered Professional Nurse, Hammond Health Center
- Eva Kadar, Lecturer, Modern Languages & Literatures
- Richard Keller, Lecturer, Theatre Arts
- Darryl Konicki, Assistant Director, Sports Information
- Samantha Larimer, Lecturer, Psychology
- Susan Lesser, Lecturer, Speech Language Pathology & Audiology
- Katherine Lockwood, Lecturer, Speech Language Pathology & Audiology
- Roseann Lorefice, Instructor, Modern Languages & Literatures
- Kathryn Marks, Lecturer, Writing
- Lee-Ellen Marvin, Lecturer, Speech Communication
- T. Paul McCabe, Lecturer, Writing
- Keri McCarthy, Assistant Professor, Music Performance
- Monteith McCollum, Lecturer, Cinema & Photography
- Heidi Miller, Lecturer, Music Education
- Todd Miner, Lecturer, Health Promotion & Physical Education
- Mari Mitchell, Lecturer, Art History
- Daniel Monroe, Cashiering Services Courier, Bursar
- Stacy Motquin, Lecturer, Music Performance
- Alexander Perialas, Lecturer, Music Theory, History & Composition
- Adam Peruta, Lecturer, Organizatinal Communication, Learning, and Design
- Cayenna Ponchione, Assistant Professor, Music Performance
- Linda Price, Lecturer, Art
- David Richards, Lecturer, Writing
- John Robbins, Lecturer, Biology
- Karen Rodriguez, Assistant Professor, Adjunct, Television & Radio
- Gregory Rudgers, Lecturer, Music Education
- Jennifer Savran, Web Writer/Editor, Creative Services
- Steven Seidman, Lecturer, Physics
- William Sellers, Lecturer, Business Administration
- Matthew Seyfried, Lecturer, Sport Management & Media
- Amy Shuhan, Lecturer, Music Education
- Theresa Souchet, Lecturer, Health Promotion & Physical Education
- Qian Su, Lecturer, Modern Languages & Literatures
- Constance Sullivan-Blum, Lecturer, Sociology
- Catherine Sutton, Lecturer, Writing
- Marybeth Walker, Instructor, Adjunct, Health Promotion & Physical Education
- Sandra Wold, Lecturer, Health Promotion & Physical Education
- Alan Wright, Scholar in Residence, Journalism

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