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Choral Collage This Weekend

Contributed by Erik Kibelsbeck on 10/03/05 

The Ithaca College School of Music’s five choral ensembles will present a free joint concert on Sunday, October 9 at 3:00 p.m. in Ford Hall. Participating ensembles will be the Choir and Madrigal Singers under Lawrence Doebler’s direction, the Chorus and Women’s Chorale led by Elizabeth Swanson, and the Vocal Jazz Ensemble directed by Lauri Robinson-Keegan.

The Chorus offers a section of Brahms’ “German Requiem,” Britten’s “Jubilate Deo” and music of Lauridsen and Orban. The Women’s Chorale will sing music of Elgar, DeCormier, Aguiar, and IC professor Dana Wilson’s arrangement of “Danny Boy.” The Madrigals, dedicated mainly to singing music of the Renaissance, will focus on the works of Thomas Morley, and the Choir’s portion of the program will include Vaughan Williams’ “O Clap Your Hands” and Britten’s “Rejoice in the Lamb.”

For more information about Ithaca College School of Music concerts, visit or cal 274-3717.

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