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The Handwerker Gallery is pleased to announce the opening “Light Boxes/Dark Rooms,” a traveling exhibition organized and circulated by the De Pree Gallery, Hope College, Michigan, on Thursday, October 6.

“Light Boxes/Dark Rooms” presents work by three contemporary Japanese artists, Shinji Ogawa, Tomoaki Shitara, and Ko Yamada, who explore basic themes in art such as the nature of imagery and the nature of looking. Their sources, which include Zen philosophy, postmodern theories, and contemporary film, demonstrate a sophisticated and erudite knowledge of the world.

A catalogue accompanies the exhibition and there will also be a Gallery talk by John Hanson, director of the De Pree Gallery, entitled “Installation and Video Art: New Media in Old Wineskins?” at 12:15 pm on October 6.

An opening reception will be held on Thursday, October 6, from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., and the work will remain on display until November 6.

All Handwerker Gallery events are free and open to the public. For more information please see Handwerker Gallery or contact Cheryl Kramer, director of the gallery, (607) 274-3548.

Opening Reception: Light Boxes/Dark Rooms | 0 Comments |
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