The Ithaca College United Way Campaign is off and running! Once again, Ithaca College is happy to take part in this critical effort to support over forty-four United Way organizations that assist members of our community.
The overall goal for this year’s What Matters campaign is $1,850,000. To assist the United Way in reaching this goal, Ithaca College’s aim is to contribute $60,000 to the campaign. With everyone’s generosity, we know we can reach our goal.
One of the agencies that receives support from the United Way is Gadabout, which provides transportation for elderly and disabled residents of Tompkins County. The following is just one of many personal stories from people who have been assisted by Gadabout.
“Our volunteer driver, Connie, is the only driver who was a client/rider first. In February 1995, she had taken a bus to the Cornell campus on her way to her workplace. She slipped, fell and broke her ankle, and was carried into her building by concerned associates.
She began taking Gadabout 3-4 times per week to get to and from her rehabilitation appointments at the hospital. It was so important to her (since she was unable to drive for at least two months) that she said she would become a driver upon her recovery. She was already partially retired from Cornell.
In January of 1996 Connie officially became a volunteer for Gadabout, and in February, she did her first solo schedule. Since that date, she has given us an average of 1,200 hours each of her nine years of service, which comes to around 10,800 hour so far.”
Help the members of our community by returning your pledge card to your team leader or to Karen McGavin By Friday, November 18th. All employees making a pledge by October 28th will be eligible for a drawing for many valuable prizes that have been donated in support of our 2005 campaign.
Let’s show the people of Tompkins and our surrounding counties What Matters to all of us at Ithaca College!