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October 25th, 2005 marks the 9th Annual Etiquette Dinner sponsored by SIE, AMA, and Career Services.

The event will be held in Emerson Suites and the reception will begin at 5:15p.m. The dinner is open to all students from any discipline and any graduating year.

Attention will be given to proper table manners and etiquette for an interview or meeting over a meal. A speaker from IC’s Dining Services and Tower Club will be on hand to lead the discussion.

Keynote speaker for the event will be Peter Saltonstall, owner and operator of King Ferry Winery in King Ferry, NY. Mr. Saltonstall will provide insight on entrepreneurship and life lessons he’s learned from the job world.

Tickets cost $10 and cover admission, a catered dinner, and entry to win door prizes. Students can get tickets at any of the SIE or AMA tables in the North Foyer and Textor all on October 17th, 18th and 19th from 9:00a.m to 3:00p.m., daily. Tickets will also be available in the Rec Center.

Students are encouraged to dress professionally and come learn more key skills for landing that job or internship!

Dine For Success At the 9th Annual Etiquette Dinner! | 0 Comments |
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