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Nominations are being sought for students to be included in the national "Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges" program.

The national organization indicates that nominees should be selected "to honor outstanding campus leaders for their scholastic and community achievement." The College recognizes those students who excel in academic performance, service to the College community and nation, and represent an exemplary level of accomplishment. The most deserving students representing the whole College will be nominated regardless of school or departmental affiliation.

Any Ithaca College faculty, staff, or student may nominate a student for "Who's Who" by contacting the Center for Student Leadership and Involvement (self-nominations are accepted). The student's name, address, e-mail address and telephone number are required. All eligible nominees will be sent an application form to complete. Only those students who complete the form will be considered. The deadline for nominations is 5:00 p.m. on Friday, November 18, 2005.


To be considered for a nomination a student must have achieved a minimum 3.0 cumulative grade point average, be in good judicial standing, and have made a minimum of three contributions in at least two of the following four areas.

1. Academic:
This includes contributions to a student's department or school through performance activities, clubs, honorary societies, organizations, advisory boards, teaching assistant (if not paid), etc.

2. Recognition and/or activities outside academic school or department:
This could include athletics, drama, music (each for non-departmental majors), campus wide clubs and organizations, student government, all-College committees, volunteer work in the Ithaca area, delivering a paper at a conference, receiving All-State, All-American, or other honors from outside the college community.

3. Community Service:
This would include off-campus community involvement with Big Brothers/Sisters, GIAC, Southside Community Center, or soup kitchens, among others.

4. Paid activities on campus for which there is a very selective procedure:
This could include resident assistant, orientation leader, teaching assistant, manager (food service, pub, Campus Center, Conference and Event Services, Dana internships), etc.

Students who are nominated should be seniors, and, if a transfer student, must have completed a minimum of 30 academic credits at Ithaca College. Transfer students bring forward activities in one area from their former college but not their grade point average. Outstanding juniors will be considered but in general recipients are seniors. Students in the 4 1/2-year music program and physical therapy students are eligible for nomination. Graduate students are not generally considered.

Now accepting nominations for Who's Who Among Students in American Universities & Colleges | 0 Comments |
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