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Great News!

Contributed by Karen McGavin on 10/12/05 

We have reached 38 percent of our goal of $60,000 for United Way and it’s only our second week. Congratulations! Your response has been terrific. Thank you so much for your participation in helping your local area community.

Just to give you an idea of where your dollar makes a difference:

Services provided with a $26 donation:

  • 5 days of meals on wheels for one person
  • 2 round trips of transportation from a rural home to the pediatrician’s office for a mom and baby
  • Scholarship money for students to attend a variety of summer recreation programs
Services provided with a $52 donation:
  • Respite care for 14-18 children
  • Purchases one educational program for 15 to 25 parents, grandparents, and other caregivers
  • Some food and clothing for a fire victim
Services provided with a $78 donation:
  • 1 night of shelter to a homeless person with food, personal hygiene products, linens, and case management
  • 1 hour of counseling for a child, parent or adult
  • Helps a teen parent re-enroll in high school or register for GED classes
These are just some of the ways that your donation helps your community. This is “what matters!”

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