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Compassionate Care Policy

Contributed by Deborah Merriman on 10/14/05 

Contributed for: Martha A. Turnbull, Director of Human Resources
Cheryl A. Freer, Director of Benefits

The Office of Human Resources, vice-presidents, and supervisors have worked together on a number of occasions to provide special consideration and assistance to an employee who has been impacted by serious personal or family medical problems or other emergencies.

It has been, “The Ithaca Way” to reach out and help members of our own community in times of unusual need. To ensure that all supervisors and employees are informed about the College’s willingness to help out an employee who is faced with a very difficult situation but has exhausted accruals, we have developed a written policy statement which was recently approved by the President’s Council.

This policy can be found in the Ithaca College Policy Manual, Volume III, Section, ( ) entitled Compassionate Care Policy. Please contact Cheryl Freer at 4-3245 if you have any questions about or need more information about this policy.

Compassionate Care Policy | 4 Comments |
The following comments are the opinions of the individuals who posted them. They do not necessarily represent the position of Intercom or Ithaca College, and the editors reserve the right to monitor and delete comments that violate College policies.
Compassionate Care Policy Comment from gwagner on 10/17/05
Kudos and applause to our compassionate HR staff and Administration for the new Compassionate Care Policy. From someone who has faced such a situation several years ago while caring for my mother, I feel this is certainly to be viewed as a most welcome and forward-thinking policy our college has instituted in some time. Thank you.
Gail Wagner
Purchasing Dept.
Compassionate Care Policy Comment from pdavis on 10/17/05
Thank you, thank you, thank you, HR and the college administration for putting this in writing and letting everyone know about this policy. Not only is the policy itself very welcomed and compassionate, but making sure that EVERYONE knows that there is recourse in the case of an extreme situation is equally important--and this is an important step in that direction. Thanks again.
Paula Davis, Development
Compassionate Care Policy Comment from kswenson on 10/17/05
This is a great initiative, and a step in the right direction. However, the policy is very narrow, and does not allow for cases where a parent, sibling anyone other than an immediate familty member (defined as a "spouse, qualified domestic partner or child") is seriously ill.

I believe that the intention of this policy is to enable employees to care for a sick or dying family member without the additional stress of worrying about losing their job. Please reconsider the policy's definition of immediate family to better satisfy this intent.

-Kirk Swenson
Compassionate Care Policy Comment from mwilliams on 10/17/05
Ithaca College has given our family a tangible new perspective on the ideas of "hope" and "promise" in challenging times that arrived unexpectedly in the first year of my employment here. Thank you to all.
-Madelyn M. Williams