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On October 25th, Career Services proudly presents Career Day 2005 for Ithaca College students. The event will run from approximately 11:00a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in Emerson Suites. Employer response has been tremendous and represents a 58% increase from one year ago!

Over 50 employers will be on hand to discuss careers and provide information regarding full-time job openings and internship opportunities. Students can learn about a company, while networking with organization representatives. Employers will give insight to different careers and are looking to secure interviews with potential candidates for employment.

Students can maximize their job and internship search efforts by visiting the fair. They should dress professionally, or at least business casual, to present a professional image to employers. An open-mind is required, as each employer may have that perfect job a student is looking for.

Following the Career Fair will be the Etiquette Dinner. Students will have the opportunity to learn valuable skills related to professionalism for an interview over a meal. On October 26th, employers will conduct interviews on campus with students that expressed an interest at the Career Fair. Interviews will take place in Emerson Suites from 9:00a.m. to 4:00p.m.

For more information, contact John Fracchia, Assistant Director for Employer Relations, at 274-1687 or

Employers include:

Career Services Says: Opportunities are falling…Rake in the possibilities at Career Day 2005 - 58% More Employers! | 0 Comments |
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