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The New York Campus Compact is sponsoring a workshop for faculty interested in integrating service-learning into coursework. The workshop will be held on November 7, 2005 at LeMoyne College in Syracuse. As a member of the compact, the registration fee is $35. Interested individuals may register online at

The keynote speaker is Garry Hesser, Ph.D., professor of sociology at Augsburg College and a pioneer in experiential education. He is a recent recipient of the National Campus Compact's "Thomas Erlich Award" for national leadership and scholarship in advancing the field of service-learning. Participants are encouraged to bring an existing course syllabus or plans for an upcoming course.

The New York Campus Compact provides statewide leadership in advocating for, supporting, and increasing student involvement in academic and co-curricular based public service. For further information you may go to the website or contact me directly at

Service Learning in the Arts and Humanities | 0 Comments |
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