Attention West Tower residents! Resource Reps from REMP will be coming to your door with a offer that can change your world; give us an incandescent light bulb and we will give you an energy efficient compact flourescent lamp in exchange.
Join in the Energy Star "Change a Light, Change the World" campaign. Ithaca College Resource and Environmental Management Program (REMP) along with other utilities, energy efficiency organizations, retailers, manufacturers, and consumers across the country, has joined the ENERGY STAR Change a Light, Change the World campaign -- a national challenge to help Americans change the world one light, one step, at a time by making energy-smart choices. ENERGY STAR qualified bulbs use 2/3 less energy than traditional lighting and last up to 10 times longer. Ithaca College Physical Plant upgraded all light fixtures across campus to energy efficient Energy Star qualified fixtures several years ago. Do your part by making the same switch to CFLs.
Resource Reps will going door to door in residence halls offering to exchange one incandescent bulb per room. The bulb to be replaced must actually be in use in the room in order to qualify for the exchange. Residents must give the bulb in use to the Rep (They will have an oven mitt to prevent injury!) Our goal is to replace 500 bulbs in residence halls starting with the Towers.
The ENERGY STAR Change a Light, Change the World campaign is sponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Department of Energy. For information and to take part in the ENERGY STAR Change a Light Pledge, go to