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CPR/AED Class Schedule

Contributed by Kathy Farley on 10/24/05 

Adult CPR/AED classes are now available

The following Adult CPR/AED classes are available through the AED Committee and will be held in Hill 53. The class training schedule is also located on the AED website at

Sunday, November 13th 4:00-9:00pm
Sunday, December 4th 12:00-5:00pm

If there are not enough sign-ups prior to Friday morning, the class will be cancelled.

Please sign up and pay Kathy Farley in the Fitness Center main office M-F between 8-4pm. The class fee is only $20.00, check payable to Ithaca College or cash is always accepted. Department numbers are also a form of payment. If the department will be paying for the class, then we will need your 21 digit account number using subcode "7411".

This is a great opportunity for anyone thinking about or who are going through disaster training through the American Red Cross who may need Adult CPR/AED.

Tyrell Lashley will be your instructor on the dates listed above.

If you have any questions, please call me at 274-3294

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