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Help Protect Student Aid!

Contributed by Michael McGreevey on 10/19/05 

As Congress attempts to finish its work on the Reauthorization of the Higher Education Act, your voice of support for student aid could make a difference. At present, Congress plans to balance the federal budget and pay for hurricane relief by cutting BILLIONS of dollars from student loan programs. These cuts could lead to higher student loan interest rates and fees. Your input is invaluable.

Beginning today, October 19, and continuing through the rest of October, students and other student aid supporters are calling to ask that Congress not balance the budget at the expense of college students. Please join others across the nation in calling on your representative and senators to "Stop the Raid on Student Aid!"

Take action today!
• Call 1-800-574-4AID to speak to your elected officials.
• Click here: to send e-mail.

For more information about what’s happening in Washington this week and why action is important NOW, reference ainformation from Inside Higher Ed:

Thank you for making student aid funding a priority!

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