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Ithaca College’s resident brass quintet will present a free concert on Wednesday, October 26 at 7:00 p.m. in the Hockett Family Recital Hall. The program includes music “On the Lighter Side” by Holst, Gaubert, and Bernstein.

The Ithaca Brass was established in 1966 as the resident brass quintet of the Ithaca College School of Music, making the quintet one of the very first groups of its kind. Since then the Ithaca Brass has performed programs throughout the United States at regional, state, and national conferences of educators and professional music organizations. Through the years they have performed hundreds of concerts for schools from elementary to high school as well as community and college concert series throughout the Northeast.

Ithaca Brass to Make Music "On the Lighter Side" | 0 Comments |
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