The induction of 60 new members into the national award-winning Ithaca College chapter of Sigma Iota Epsilon, the National Management Honorary, will occur on Friday, October 28 at 4:00 p.m. in the Emerson Suites. The entire campus community is invited to come and help us recognize the students' and the organization's accomplishments.
Our distinguished guest speaker will be G. James Francis, Ph.D., professor of management at Colorado State University and National President of Sigma Iota Epsilon, who will speak to the topic “Management Matters.” Professor Francis will also present the National Chapter-of-the-Year award to our chapter and recognize Katie A. Harris as one of five National Scholars. The induction program is expected to last approximately 45 minutes. An elaborate reception for students, parents, and guests immediately follows the program. A list of new initiates, by school, is listed below:
Zeta Iota Chapter Initiates
Fall 2005
Graduate Studies
Jeanne Marie Catalfano, '06 (MBA)
Dual Schools
Alex A. Adrien, '08 (Schools of Business/HS&HP)
School of Business
Manabu Akashi, 07
Constance L. Ames, '08
Ian J. Applebee, '07
Tayer N. Ashkar, '08
Jamie L. Britz, '06
Joseph F. Burgoyne, '06
Nicole L. Cade, '08
Caterina A. Cataldo, '08
Bridgette N. Crawford, '06
Andrea M. Cusenz, '08
Jared C. Cutler, '07
Aaryn M. Decker, '07
Brian M. DiPaola, '07
Claudia DiRosa, '07
Stephanie A. Elowson, '08
Justin M. Esposito, '06
April A. Ferrari, '07
Wyatt W. Fox, '08
Steven S. Garfinkel, '07
Jennifer B. Goldman, '07
Reonda PC Greathouse, '08
Nicholas B. Haechler, '07
Joshua M. Hite, '06
Emily E. Johnson, '08
Ian L. Kaczer, '08
Samantha E. Margulies, '07
Brian J. McCarthy, '07
Aimee M. Meacham, '08
Brittany A. Meier, '08
Loma I. Naser, '07
Reid G. Palmieri, '06
Robert V. Pierce, '08
Padraig D. Power, '06
Sandra C. Rivera, '07
Timothy W. Rourke, '06
Katelyn E. Roberts, '08
Rachel M. Schlabach, '08
Kelly A. Stefanco, '07
Ryan W. Terlecki, '08
Vishaal R. Turakhia, '07
Cem I. Unsal, '07
Brenner G. Webb, '06
Fredrick A. Wolcott, '07
Roy H. Park School of Communications
Amanda K. Butts, '08
Rachele H. Ceccorulli, '07
Samantha A. Mascali, '07
Nicole Spitalieri, '07
Julie Y. Tausend, '08
Jenna M. Tidd, '07
Jane E. Virginia, '06
Halley S. Yellin, '07
Nicole A. Zaehringer, '08
Amy M. Zeleznock, '07
School of Health Sciences and Human Performance
Ben Lerner, '06
Sheri L. Ryan, '07
School of Humanities and Sciences
Elizabeth L. Knauer, '06
Christopher Wong, '06
Jeffrey P. Stein, '06