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Rhythm 'n Shoes (the Ithaca College Tap Dance Club), in collaboration with the Tap Legacy™ Foundation, Inc. (co-founded by tap dancers Gregory Hines and Andrew J. Nemr) will be presenting the The First Annual Finger
Lakes Tap Dance Festival in Ithaca, NY, March 31-April 2, 2006.

On Sunday, October 30, 2005 at 1:00 p.m. in the Ithaca College Fitness Center, we are presenting our pre-festival event, "Meet the Artists," featuring two of the guest tap dance artists for the festival: Michelle Dorrance and Andrew J. Nemr. Michelle and Andrew have been mentored by and worked with people such as, Gregory Hines, Savion Glover, Dr. Jimmy Slyde, and Dianne Walker.

$3 Ithaca College and Cornell Univ. students
$5 General Public

All registrations received by Oct. 24th will be entered into a drawing to win a free long sleeve t-shirt! Registrations can be taken to the Fitness Center.

For more information:
(607) 375-2641

Meet the Artists featuring Michelle Dorrance and Andrew J. Nemr | 0 Comments |
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