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Ithaca College alumnus Ms. Alissa Parsons will be will be visiting campus on October 26 to share information about employment opportunities with Vector Marketing.

Students who are interested in learning more about these opportunities are invited to meet with her on a drop in basis.

Date: October 26, 2005 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m., North Meeting Room, Campus Center.

Additionally, she will interview interested candidates between 3:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. that same day.

"Vector Marketing is an international retail firm marketing a variety of products, which consists of quality house wares and select sporting accessories."

From Career Services: Alumnus Alissa Parsons To Present Information Session About Vector Marketing | 1 Comments |
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From Career Services: Alumnus Alissa Parsons To Present Information Session About Vector Marketing Comment from kknight2 on 10/25/05
I can not believe IC is advocating this company, which tries to entice students to sell very expensive knives. Basically they make you try to sell very expensive knife sets, first to people you know, and then to strangers. You have to come up with these lists of people, call them and convince them they shoud let you set up an appointment to come and try to convince them that they can't live without these knives. It is not the dream job it seems to be, although it is certainly something that can seem enticing, especially to someone desperate for money. I almost got fooled by an ad in my local paper this summer, which was looking for anyone, no experience required, and advertised good pay and flexible hours. When I called to find out more about the job and the receptionist wouldn't actually tell me what I would be doing, but wanted me to come for an interview, it seemed fishy. Subsequently I went online to find out more about this Vector Marketing, and found it to be, frankly, nothing but a scam. Not until I looked it up online did I find out that what they wanted me to do was sell knives. I didn't show up for my interview, and they called me several times, and each time I had to tell them I was no longer interested.
Simply do a google search and you will find results about Vector. The best website I've found that backs up well the position that Vector Marketing is a scam is this one:
This site goes into many details, about the lies they feed the employees, who in turn tell the potential customers, unpaid training time and other things.
The reason this seems like it could be a promising job is because they don't actually tell you what you'd be doing until you're hired, because if they did, you wouldn't want the job.
Again, I am quite disgusted that Ithaca is advocating this, and allowing a rep to come and try to scam us, the students, into working for Vector. Thumbs down for whoever made that decision.