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Tuesday, October 25, we have a high-level update on alcohol policy and intervention at the College. You may have heard of AlcoholEdu, the online education program expected of all entering students. Priscilla Quirk, coordinator of health promotion and substance abuse prevention, David Newman, M.D., director of the health center, and Michael Leary, director of judicial affairs, will present a panel on this and other new initiatives from 12:10 to 1:00 p.m. in the Klingenstein Lounge of the Campus Center.

Like all colloquia in the Center for Faculty Excellence program, this event is open to all and you are invited even if you have to arrive late or leave early. We provide beverage and treat to go with your lunch if you bring one.

The next colloquium is a conversation with colleagues about intelligent design:

Thursday, November 10, 12:10-1:00 p.m., Clark Lounge
"The Beginning and End of Science: Evolution and Intelligent Design in the Classroom"
Susan Swenson, biology, convener

Contact Susanne Morgan with questions or to propose a colloquium for this semester or next. See the Center for Faculty Excellence for additional opportunities for learning and sharing.

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