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Paula Mitchell, Ithaca's Director of Admission, has accepted an offer to become the next Director of the U.S. Office of Higher Education for the Council of International Schools (CIS).

Headquartered in the U.K., the CIS is a global organization with offices in the U.K., Spain, Australia and the U.S., and additionally includes staff based in France, Italy and Singapore. CIS, the preeminent accreditation organization for K-12 international schools in over 80 countries, offers services in higher education, placement of heads of schools and teachers, school governance and consultancies. Paula will head their U.S. Office of Higher Education (soon to be relocated to Ithaca) which provides services to over 460 college and university members worldwide and connects institutions with university ready students and with international guidance and educational advising communities worldwide.

After 16 years of incomparable service to Ithaca College, Paula will be leaving to transition to her new role in early January. Details regarding her formal end-date and a farewell event will follow. For now, please join me in congratulating Paula on this terrific opportunity and wishing her the very best in her new leadership role.

Paula Mitchell accepts CIS directorship | 1 Comments |
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Paula Mitchell accepts CIS directorship Comment from rowlandh on 10/27/05
Paula holds a prominent place on my memory's hall of fame of great professionals. I chaired the search that brought Paula to Ithaca College and I was always proud of that connection. My wife and I became friends with Paula and her husband soon after Paula's arrival at Ithaca College. And we never parted company without asking about each other's family. Ithaca College has been honored by her presence. I was honored by her presence and her friendship. Best Wishes, Hugh Rowland