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The United Way Campaign continues to gather momentum with total pledges exceeding 60 percent of out $60,000 campaign goal. It’s not too late to make your pledge commitment in time to be eligible for valuable prizes. Return your pledge card by Friday, October 28, and you will be entered into the prize drawings.

Join the growing list of 200+ faculty and staff (including 75 new donors this year) who are supporting the 2005 United Way campaign by making a pledge today.

  • A $26 donation can provide two hours of group respite for seven-to-nine children.
  • A $50 donation will provide ten days of meals on wheels for one person or purchase diapers for a newborn for five weeks.
  • A $78 donation provides six homeless youth with personal hygiene supplies for one year.

Remember, together we can make a difference in the lives of real people with real needs. Thank you to all who are making this year’s campaign a huge success.

Act Now, Don’t Wait to Help the United Way | 0 Comments |
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