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The horizons of journalistic writing are expanding in new and exciting ways. Newspapers are opening up more and more to the dynamic style known as literary journalism or creative nonfiction. Professor John Hartsock will discuss the challenges and rewards facing those who would make the leap from hard-news to narrative style.
DATE: Tuesday, Nov. 1, 2005
TIME: 12:10 p.m. to 1:05 p.m.
PLACE: Park Hall 220

Bring a brown-bag lunch.
Part of the "First Tuesdays" series sponsored by the Ithacan.

John C. Hartsock, associate professor of communication studies at SUNY Cortland, is the author of the critically acclaimed A History of American Literary Journalism: The Emergence of a Modern Narrative Form (University of Massachusetts Press, 2000). A history of the long-neglected genre known as narrative or literary journalism, the book was honored in 2001 with the Outstanding History Award of the American Journalism Historians Association, and the journalism and mass communication history award of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication.

Hartsock has published widely on the subject of literary journalism. Recently he was named book review editor of DoubleTake magazine, a journal dedicated to publishing examples of photographic and print documentary, including literary journalism. Hartsock spent more than a decade as a newspaper and wire service reporter, starting on a small country weekly and eventually going to work for U.P.I. covering the U.S. Congress and then reporting on the collapse of the Soviet Union for several publications. He lives in Homer, N.Y. with his wife Linda and son Peter.

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