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Offered through Culture & Communication in DIIS, taught by Prof. Cyndy Scheibe (psychology faculty member and Executive Director of Project Look Sharp ( ). Especially designed for freshmen and sophomores, no prerequisites.

Media Literacy and Popular Culture

Meets: MWF 10-10:50 am
3 credits. LA 1

Introduction to the theory and practice of media literacy (the ability to access, analyze, evaluate and produce communication in a variety of media forms), with an emphasis on the changing role of media in education and popular culture, and their effects on beliefs, attitudes and behaviors. Both popular and educational media will be investigated, including television, film, print media, popular music, video games, and the Internet. Students will be challenged to think critically about information from different media sources, both in their coursework and in their personal lives, and will learn basic media literacy skills, including applications for media production.

If you have any questions about the course, contact Cyndy Scheibe,

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