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Reminder: The third annual Ithaca College Veterans Day celebration will be held from 12:05 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 10, in the Emerson Suites.

This free event will feature Ithaca College Brass Choir and IC voICes, as well as Air Force ROTC from Cornell and Ithaca College.

Featured speakers will be music alumnus Dr. Edward Green ‘42, who served with the US Army Airbone, and Emma Schutz, who served with the US Army Nursing Corps. Both are residents at Longview. Shirley Hockett, professor emerita, will be master of ceremonies.

The purpose of Veterans Day is to show appreciation to the 48 million Americans who have served honorably in the military since 1776. There are currently about 25 million living veterans. Please join us in thanking these special men and women!

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