Contributed for: Cheryl A. Freer, Director of Benefits
All Ithaca College faculty and staff are invited to attend. Mark this date on your calendar and join us! Learn more about your benefits and your choices.
DATE: Wednesday, November 9th, 2005
TIME: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
LOCATION: Emerson Suites A & B, Campus Center
The Benefits Fair helps kick off our annual benefits Re-Enrollment period. During this time, you can make changes in your health and dental coverage, take advantage of pre-tax savings by enrolling in reimbursement accounts, and change other benefit options if you choose. This year the focus of our Benefits Fair is on health promotion and wellness. The Health Promotion/ Wellness program is aimed at promoting the value of a healthy lifestyle as well as providing and promoting the resources necessary to obtain/maintain wellness.
Visit the numerous Information Booths. Representatives from IC's Health, Dental and Tax-Sheltered Annuity vendors will be on hand to answer questions. Many campus resources will be at the fair so that faculty and staff can find out more about services right here on campus! Additionally, a variety of community organizations will be available to provide information about their services.
Here’s a sneak preview on what our on-campus vendors have to offer:
• Taste the healthy snacks that Dining Services is preparing just for you
• Check out the Fitness Center equipment
• Stop by the Wellness Center booth - they’ll be measuring body composition
• For a flu shot or cholesterol screening, visit the Health Center booth
• And more fun, healthy activities are in store for you!
In conjunction with the Benefits Fair, TIAA-CREF is holding a Retirement Planning Seminar at 9:00 am in Emerson Suites C. The seminar is entitled “Getting Ready for Retirement”.
More detailed information will follow on the Benefits Re-Enrollment process and the TIAA-CREF retirement program. You can also visit our web site at
If you have any questions regarding benefits and re-enrollment, Human Resources staff will be present at the Benefits and Wellness Fair throughout the day to help you.
No registration is required to attend the Fair. Join us!