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Get Your Work Published!

Contributed by Ivan Topalov on 10/30/05 

Take the opportunity to become part of this history-making project called the Ithaca College Journal of Race Culture Gender and Ethnicity (the first student-run academic journal at IC to become internationally recognized with its own ISSN number)...

Dear Students and Colleagues,

Take the opportunity to become part of this history-making project called the Ithaca College Journal of Race Culture Gender and Ethnicity (the first student-run academic journal at IC to become internationally recognized with its own ISSN number) and publish your work concerning the issues of race, culture, gender and ethnicity.

Essay submissions will be accepted for review until November 7th for this semester’s edition, and must be e-mailed to For more info visit

Let us all engage in building the intellectual atmosphere of this campus while continuing dialogue about issues of diversity.

- The E-board

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