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Professor Susan Rosenthal has been named the Sigma Iota Epsilon Outstanding Faculty Adviser for 2005. This is the first time in the organization’s 77-year history that a chapter faculty adviser has been recognized for excellence. The award was presented by national president G. James Francis at the new member induction program on October 28, 2005 in the Emerson Suites.

President Francis congratulated the Zeta Iota chapter at Ithaca College for its continued outstanding accomplishments, and stated that "the chapter serves as a model for chapters across the nation." He also noted that "sustained accomplishment cannot occur without the active participation, support, and encouragement of a faculty adviser," and acknowledged Professor Rosenthal for her "continuing support, patience, and persistence" in that role as well as for her "outstanding service and commitment" to the mission and goals of Sigma Iota Epsilon.

The School of Business is proud to have such a dedicated faculty member and applauds her well-deserved recognition.

Professor Susan Rosenthal Named Sigma Iota Epsilon Outstanding Faculty Adviser | 4 Comments |
The following comments are the opinions of the individuals who posted them. They do not necessarily represent the position of Intercom or Ithaca College, and the editors reserve the right to monitor and delete comments that violate College policies.
Professor Susan Rosenthal Named Sigma Iota Epsilon Outstanding Faculty Advisor Comment from gseaquist on 11/02/05
Congratulations Professor Rosenthal on an honor well- deserved. Gwen Seaquist
Professor Susan Rosenthal Named Sigma Iota Epsilon Outstanding Faculty Advisor Comment from eckrich on 11/03/05
Way to go Dr. Rosenthal! Well deserved over many years. If only Jim Boeheim could claim half as many national titles, and yours are all in a row! Behind every successful woman is......herself! You did it, from scratch. Congratulations from all the E's. Don Eckrich
Professor Susan Rosenthal Named Sigma Iota Epsilon Outstanding Faculty Advisor Comment from lhvandusen on 11/03/05
Congrats! It's so nice to see you recognized for all your efforts that go above and beyond the call of duty! Good for you! Lorie Holmes-VanDusen
Professor Susan Rosenthal Named Sigma Iota Epsilon Outstanding Faculty Advisor Comment from shamula on 11/03/05
Congratulations Susan! This is fantastic! Well deserved. Your role as faculty advisor has been a major contributing factor to the success of this IC chapter.
-Scott R. Hamula