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Careers in Sport Symposium

Contributed by Ellen Staurowsky on 11/01/05 

The annual Careers in Sport Symposium, hosted by the Department of Sport Management and Media, will again be held during Family Weekend, Saturday, November 5th from 9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. Fifteen graduates and friends of our program will be on campus to share their expertise with students and members of the local community.

The morning program will start off with the Family Weekend keynote address by Sal Paolantonio, ESPN Correspondent and Parent in Ford Auditorium. His presentation will be followed by panels starting on the hour at 10 a.m. in CHS addressing careers in sport marketing and communications, sport media, sport law, sport sales and promotions, and sport administration.

Panelists include Meredith Achilles '04 (SM), Cornell University; Marc Connolly '96 (SIC), sportswriter,; Todd Cross '02 (broadcast journalism), Syracuse Crunch; Kevin Dobstaff '93 (TV/R), NBA Entertainment; Jim Eichenhofer '97 (SIC), sportswriter with Hoop and Inside Stuff; Abigail Funk '04 (SIC), Momentum Media; Mitchell Halpern, sports and entertainment accounting services, O'Connor and Drew P.C.; Michael Lake '00 (TV-R), ESPN; Melissa Marietta, National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum; Joshua Milne (SIC '96), John Hancock Financial Services (sport division); Kristin R. Muenzen '00 (SIC), U.S Court of Federal Claims; Amanda Payne '01, M.B.A. '03 (SM), NCAA; Peg Pennepacker, athletic director and assistant principal, Blue Mountain High School; Shannan Phillips '96, M.S. '98 (SIC) Momentum New York; and Will Weiss '00 (journalism and sport studies minor), YES Network.

For more information contact Ellen J. Staurowsky, Ed.D., professor, Department of Sport Management and Media, 11 Hill Center,

This event is free and open to the public.

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