Producers Patrick Farrelly and Kate O’Callaghan, whose documentary Left of the Dial, an account of the first self-proclaimed left-wing commercial radio station in the U.S., will screen their piece at 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, November 15 in the Park Auditorium. A question-and-answer will follow the screening.
Left of the Dial aired on HBO earlier this year to unanimous praise.
About the producers:
Former producers of both seasons of Michael Moore’s Emmy Award-winning satirical series, TV Nation, Farrelly and O’Callaghan have a long and distinguished record as journalists and documentarians.
Movie description:
In April 2004, just seven months before the presidential election, the first self-proclaimed left-wing commercial radio station in the U.S., Air America, began broadcasting. Its lofty aim was to take on right-wing talk radio and help unseat the president.
However, just two weeks after the launch, Air America was facing financial disaster and O’Reilly, Hannity, Limbaugh, et al. smirked with satisfaction. Their nemesis, Al Franken, was going to be hung out to dry.
Miraculously, Air America was resurrected from the ashes to become one of the most successful media launches of modern times. It failed to remove George W. Bush from the White House but left the media opposition in its wake.