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The Great American Smokeout is coming up. Pick up a QUIT KIT or an Adopt a Smoker Contract on Thursday, November 10th, 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. in the North Foyer. Test your lung capacity with a spirometer.

Tips for Quitting:

*Plan ahead - pick a day and mark it on your calendar
(November 17th is the GREAT AMERICAN SMOKEOUT)
*Tell family and friends the date you've chosen
*Pick up a Quit Kit
*Set up a support system

What happens after you quit?

20 minutes after your last cigarette
*blood pressure drops to normal
*body temperature of hands and feet increases to normal

8 hours after your last cigarette
*carbon monoxide level in blood drops to normal
*oxygen level in blood increases to normal

48 hours later
*Ability to smell and tast is inhanced

1 month later
*circulation improves
*lung function increases

The GREAT AMERICAN SMOKEOUT encourages smokers to quit for ONE DAY!

Your efforts to quit, or support a friend who is quitting, are encouraged by the Health Promotion Program and the Exercise Professionals Majors Club.

Adopt a Smoker - Pick up a QUIT KIT | 0 Comments |
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