On Friday, November 11th, the Mail Service Department will be attending a work shop from 1- 4 PM.
There will be limited services available on this date for this reason and because it is a United States Postal holiday.
-The FedEx afternoon pick up schedule will be curtailed. There will not be an afternoon collection at the Phillips Hall Post Office.
-Only FedEx shipments prepared and collected on the morning delivery run from the Phillips Hall Post Office will be sent out that afternoon.
-Money orders will not be issued at the Phillips Hall Post Office all day due to the USPS holiday.
-There will be limited shipping and stamp sale services in the afternoon at the Phillips Hall Post Office.
-Mail will be delivered to Mail rooms but mail volume will be very light
-We will be open for student package pickup as usual at the Phillips Hall Post Office.
Please direct any questions to Karen 4-3332