Light in Winter, Ithaca's unique festival of explorations in music, art, and science, announces its third year of exciting programs.
The festival celebrates Ithaca's three most remarkable strengths: education, natural beauty, and a vibrant arts community. Ithaca College has been a partner from the beginning, providing venues, talent and support. Light in Winter provides an opportunity to explore new and interesting ideas through the prisms of music, art, and science, stretching thought and imagination as it educates and entertains with programs that appeal to a broad audience. Don't miss it!
Light in Winter 2006 will run from January 20 to 22, and will feature:
* Internationally known performance artist Laurie Anderson, NASA's first
artist in residence
* Simon Shaheen and his Middle Eastern jazz -fusion ensemble Qantara
* an explosive finale, Forces of Nature, including a choreographed performance of Stravinsky's Rite of Spring featuring former IC professor of piano Read Gainsford
Other performances throughout the weekend include a one-man portrayal of Albert Einstein; a multi-media extravaganza featuring musical instruments made from household appliances; a look at the art of drawing and painting birds; an examination of symmetry in nature, art, and science; and a free "Winter Detective" tour at the Cornell Plantations.
Please go to the Website at for complete details on the 2006 Light in Winter Festival as well as ticket prices and packages.