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The Black and White Semiformal will be held at the Museum of the Earth on Friday, December 2, 2005. Open to members of the Senior Class of 2006, tickets are now available.

Tickets can be purchased November 7-9, November 15-17, and November 28-30 in the North Foyer of Campus Center. Final ticket sales will be held December 1st in the Park School Lobby. Tickets must be purchased in advance and will not be sold at the door.

Cost: $18 with Senior Card/$22 without Senior Card
Pancake breakfast the morning after the semiformal is $2 with Senior
Card/$3 without Senior Card

Only seniors may purchase tickets. Come and enjoy what will be an awesome
night with the Senior Class. Shuttles will be running from the College Circles Community Center and the Commons throughout the evening.

Senior Class of 2006 - Black and White Semiformal Tickets on Sale! | 0 Comments |
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